Unsubscribe (Opt Out) feature
We are committed to complying with the EU’s new data privacy law, the Personal Data Protection Act and EU Regulation 2016/679 and to help you comply in regards to the Contacts you store in the system, we have added an unsubscribe (opt out) feature to the following emails that you can send to your clients from the system:
- Profile match emails
- Window Cards
- Listing form
- Sales Agreement Form
What does this mean?
Your clients have a right by law to cease to receive emails from you if that is their wish. So if one of your contacts clicks to unsubscribe on an email sent via the system, the following will happen:
- You will receive an email notifying you that the client has unsubscribed.
- The clients email is automatically set to ¨Not Subscribed¨ in your account.
- Profile match emails will not be sent anymore to your client.
- You won’t be able to send window cards to the client from the system.
- You won’t be able to send forms to the client from the system.
Can I re-subscribe a Contact to my mailing list?
Yes, if the Contact has given you permission to do so.
On the contact page we have added a new field Subscription Status this field shows the following 3 status’:
Subscribed – this means the Contact is currently subscribed, this status can be used to re-subscribe an email address.
Not Subscribed – this status is set automatically when a client has clicked Unsubscribe (from within any email sent to them, either by your company or on behalf of your company) and then confirmed they want to Unsubscribe
Unsubscribe Requested – this indicates that the client has requested to unsubscribe by clicking the Unsubscribe link, but they have not yet clicked Confirm Unsubscribe. Once they confirm they want to unsubscribe, the status is set to Not Subscribed.
If you change a status from Not Subscribed to Subscribed, you are confirming you have permission from the client to send them emails. Having this permission is important!
Your system Email Signature
Your system email signature will now be attached to ALL emails you send from the system, including the automatic ones like profile matches, so be sure that it contains correct information.
Click on the link below for more information
How can i add an email signature to my emails to clients?
IMPORTANT – Your company’s Privacy Policy
To ensure your email complies with the law, include a link to your company’s Privacy Policy in your system email signature.
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