All the news from the last few months.

Phase 3 – New Sharing Rules are here!
The recent release of Search 2.0 Beta brings us to the much awaited New Sharing Rules, we thank you for your patience!
Search 1.0 is still available to use while Search 2.0 is in the Beta stage. Search 1.0 follows the old sharing rules of the first listed version of a property that will be shared, Search 1.0 will be phased out in the future.
Search 2.0 Beta enables you to see all duplicate properties and choose which version you want to use. You can also expect to see: Faster Pagination New layout and design New features designed to save you time when searching and selecting properties.
Search 2.0 Beta – results page explained

Live Chat
The feedback from our members regarding our new Live Chat has been extremely positive, queries in the past that have taken days to solve are now dealt with in minutes, our Customer Support Team send their thanks for your positive feedback.
The Live Chat icon can be found on the bottom-right of your system pages, or on our website
Live Chat is open continuously from 9:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday and 9:30am to 2:30pm on Fridays. Our support team generally answers within a couple of minutes, any messages left outside of these hours will be answered on the next opening.
New Developments Module New WebAPI version includes the following features and improvements:
Better control of the New Development Listings, we have added ranges of price, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc. Option to filter by Decree 218. Some other nodes have been added like: listing status (Available, Under Offer, Sale agreed), year of construction, GPS coordinates. Added filter control improvements for agents. New visually improved documentation which includes multiple usage examples.
Portal Feeds
We can now provide you with portal feeds for the following, contact us to get one: Idealista How can I get a feed of my properties for Idealista?
New System Languages
The system now supports Finnish and Hungarian languages.How can I change the system into another language?
System Improvements
We have added additional signature spaces in the Reservation Form (Click Forms on the system menu to access). It is now possible to specify a port within the SMTP details on your Email Preferences (relay options). How can I change my Email Preferences settings?
Improved Communication with Your Web Developer
Let us know who your web developer is and we can add their details to your account so that we can contact them easily in the case of website feed or integration issues. You can also invite your web developer to join our mailing list so they can keep up with the latest regarding our property search integration tools for websites Are you a web developer? Join our mailing list
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