Category: Tips

General AMS: What is it and what can I post on there?

The AMS ( Agent Messaging Service) allows you to communicate with other agents in the network and is an invaluable tool to find properties for your potential customers and to provide extra visibility for your special properties as well as...

/ August 7, 2019

I have a viewing, who’s got the keys?

Keep track of your property keys by registering them in the system. See instantly if certain keys are booked in or out and who has them. Hover the mouse over [Booked Out] and a pop up will tell you: Name...

/ July 19, 2019

How can I find my old listings?

When you set your listings to Sold or Off Market, they do not disappear! They are archived in the system and are available to you for historical information if needed. To find these listings, simply do an Advanced Search and...

/ June 7, 2019

How to keep your property listings up-to-date

I am sure you will agree that when searching for properties, the ones that show as most up-to-date are the ones that you are more likely to forward to your prospective clients. Nobody wants to risk sending a client a...

/ May 6, 2019

How can I generate more inquiries for my property listings?

Inaccurate information in property listings is a deal breaker for many salespeople when it comes to promoting listings from other agents to their clients, or advertising them on their website. Make sure your agency stands out because your listings contain:...

/ March 29, 2019

Contact Source – how can this help my business?

Do you know which of your marketing efforts have been the most successful? By using the Contact Source list you can assign sources to your contacts and keep track of how your clients came to use your services. From the...

/ March 13, 2019

Keep all your documents related to a property listing in one place!

Use our Document Upload feature to upload copies of title deeds, client passports/DNIs, listing form, and other documents relevant to your property listings. Have all your documents easily accessible directly from the system. Classify the type of document you have...

/ February 21, 2019

Don’t miss out on PropExtra Enquiries!

Take full advantage of our free property portal: Make sure to select Show in PropExtra on your listings, to be featured in the property search results pages on the portal. Regularly check your system Home Page for Leads from PropExtra...

/ January 24, 2019

Reminder: 3rd party listings cannot be shared on the Network

The shared database is for direct listings only, meaning that you must have a listing or rental agreement between your agency and the property owner. Listings obtained via other agents or 3rd party listing companies cannot be listed on the...

/ December 11, 2018

Not all internet browsers are created equally!

To get the best performance out of the ReSales Online system, we recommend that you use one of the following browsers: Google Chrome Opera Mozilla Firefox By using only these browsers you will avoid annoying usability issues that are browser-based...

/ November 15, 2018